This site is designed to be an internet version of a set two of small books I made in 2010.  I never could officially decide on names for them, beyond "Volume 1" and "Volume 2", but "Brown Vol. 1" and "Brown Vol. 2" (as the titles might possibly be interpreted from the home page) serve as good choices, since the books consist of images culled from photographs that I took while attending Brown University.  Some are actual images of the campus, but the majority come from photographs taken on walks around the greater Providence area.

The images in the book are printed on organza fabric, inset into 24lb paper.  Since organza is sheer, I interleaved the image pages with blank pages, so that each image can be seen by itself, without the subsequent image showing through.  The sheerness of the organza resulted in images with an appearance strikingly different from that of the original.  I toyed with the idea of making the books into "double books" like the one in the image at right, in which the organza images would be combined with regular paper printouts, but in the end decided against it.  This website, however, gives me the chance to let the viewer see both the organza images (which I scanned after printing) and their brighter, more substantial counterpart originals.

The books are presented in gallery format, and can be accessed by clicking on the text "Vol. 1" or "Vol. 2" on the main page.