Josh Brown


About 683 years old, possibly older.

Favorite Problem Solving Tool:



Born under the name, Nicholas Flamel, Josh Brown is just one of his many aliases. As Nicholas Flamel, he perfected a potion that brought him immortality. But what does one do with all of the time in the world? Josh answered that question with science. No, really, he filled the time with more experiments. His previous alias, Nikola Tesla, was well known for his work with electricity. But, what most people did not know, was that he perfected his control over electricity and magnetism to a point that it could be used in combat. In December of 1942, Tesla created the peace gun, a deadly directed energy weapon. He quickly hid his research and faked his death, continuing the research from one of his secret underground laboratories. After decades of development, he resurfaced under a new identity. Now it's time to unveil his greatest creation ever.

Tesla CoilJosh launches a small blast of energy from his hands that quickly moves across the screen and damages his opponent.Special
Magnetic PulseJosh shoots out a slow moving ball of magnetic energy that follows his opponent. If it hits, his opponent is temporarily stunned and pulled closer to Josh.Special
SCIENCE!!!Josh shouts SCIENCE!!! It is the best taunt in the game. Deal with it.Special
Peace CannonJosh removes his top hat and aims it forward. A huge beam of energy comes out of it, going across the screen and doing plenty of damage to his opponent if it hits.Super
Developer's Notes:

Josh is a high risk, high reward character. Played well, his science will crush the puny mortal bodies of his foes through long range attacks and vicious combos with Magnetic Pulse. Played poorly, and he will be KOed before you can say SCIENCE!!!!