Quotes Page

Things Heard 'Round Tech House 2000 - 2001

  • "At one point, I was in a drag bar in Manhatten ..."
    -Rob Letzler, during a visit to THWest

  • "Michael, this cheese pack exploded, so you need to eat it."
    -Liz, 7:54AM 6/19/01

  • "Shit. I ordered the wrong $100 yo yo fucking online ordering."
    -Mike Boilen, on vTH, 12:18 AM 6/18/01.

  • "Korinthe says: donald : Prometheus :: mgb : Edison, wtr vth
    Donald asks: Doesn't that mean I get tortured for eternity?
    John asks: So does Soren get to play the role of the big eagle that eats your entrails?"
    -folks, on vth

  • Beca says: Stalin
    Beca says: he had issues
    -4:49PM, June 4th 2001 on vTH

  • "I had to keep my legs crossed because my loins were in a riot..."

  • "I think that, by definition, if you're a rich, straight, white guy... you're not gay."
    --Chris C. ridiculing Abercrombie's marketing campaign.

  • "I love how this seat contours to my ass, now."
    -Chris Chin, Trying out his high pressure blower at 1:30 am, 5-13-01.
    A few minutes later: "It's like a bidet, but with air."

  • "You said that you would bake us cookies, beca... Let's bake number theory. I mean take number theory"
    -Thomas Wooldridge, after kicking back a few

  • "I'm 20 years old, yeah. I shouldn't have a pikachu."
    -An Le, Late in the night

  • ""Its like the firey beef in the ratty, but in beard form""
    -Mix Master Morty (Dan), random quote 'bout meech's beard

  • "Living in sin is *so* much better than working!"
    -Alex, in Beca's room talking about mcohabitation.

  • "What is quorum? Enough people to argue?"
    -Joe, in passing.

  • "If the Talmud was a person right now, I'd be kicking its ass."
    -Marsha, discussing Ratty kosher food at midnight on the eve of Reading Period, Spring 2001.

  • "Girls have crotches!"
    -Alex, at the officer election, at the top of her lungs.

  • "Don't think... Just let it happen."
    -James Bond

  • "Get in focus... OOH! Big dragoons! Wow!"
    -Mike Fried, while playing with his new camera lens at a Starcraft game.

  • "Linux just sucks... (people begin to give our sysadmin funny looks) It does!"
    -Niq, During the Meeting, 4/16

  • TV add: "Do you really know your lover?"
    Donald: "I don't know my lover and I really wish someone would introduce us."

  • "The people here are more entertaining [than in Dave's dorm]...because they're all really weird...."
    -Dan (Beca and Dave Erickson's younger brother), in favor of hanging out at Techhouse rather than going to the Machado House party on Friday night.

  • "You're kind-of a red-head."
    -Alex, To Mike F. in the lounge.

  • Mike: "I was being lazy."
    Keith: "You were being insufficiently lazy."
    -Mike and Keith regarding laziness.

  • "You might be a redneck if... the pumping lemma works on your family tree."
    -Chris C., At 3:30AM

  • "I feel so much like almost a frat boy!"
    -Niq, while pouring cheap rum into a bowl of ice cream
  • "Whooa! More ice cream!"
    -Beca, in response

  • "At least it's not giving me an erection anymore."
    -Chris C., Wearing a nipple clamp.
  • "Owwww, it's starting to hurt again... the pain..."
    -Chris C., 2 minutes later

  • "But Joe, aren't you having fun?"
    -Clara, at 2 AM, Sunday morning, 3/25/01.
  • "Yeah. I'm installing a VT to a system on which I don't have an account."
    -Joe, in response to Clara, after 12 hours of techtime.

  • "Shawn, I validate your ass."
    -Veronica, at the March birthday party on 3/22/01.

  • "Must fluff pillow... no wait, that's my cervix."
    -Donald, 3/21/01 3:40AM

  • "Cool. Beer in the library. I always drink beer in the library."
    -Alaina, Alison's friend who is not as straight-edge as Alison is.

  • "My turtle hates me."
    -Scott, discussing logo

  • "I represent the lunatic fringe."
    -Professor Patricia Herlihy, when assigning non-Orthodox religions for oral reports.

  • Clara: "Veronica, I'm sorry, but I've never disliked you."
  • Veronica: "I'm so ashamed of myself."
    -Techhouse Lounge, 3/13/01, 3AM

  • "I'm gonna flood the server."
    -Serge, as he unbelts his pants in the TH library.

  • "It's so much easier to blame it on the bagel."
    -Liz, 12:34AM, when Liz was really tired.

  • "I don't think Set's like an IQ test... 'cause I'm horrible at it...."
    -David, discussing games for game night.

  • "Can I be your flying monkey?"
    -Veronica, at 12:41 PM Tuesday, December 19, 2000.

  • S: "What was that?"
  • B: " 'Rice Krispie Treats...[something something something]....oooo baby!' "
    -Suzanne and Beca, partially overhearing conversations in the Techhouse hallway.

  • "Well, the saying goes, "If there is artificial intelligence, then there must be artificial stupidity.""
    -John, 1:54AM 12/5/00

  • "Who's yo' daddy?"
    -Serge, "screwing" a chair together without the aid of any electrical "power tools."

  • "It keeps me from pooping all over the place like a rabbit, or a small rodent."
    -Serge, When asked about his stash of "health food"

  • "Sure, build a trebuchet. It's not like it's a knife, or a sword, or a gun or anything..."
    -Dean Inman, To Clara, giving her the go-ahead for a siege engine.

  • "Aaa! Go somewhere else, man!"
    -Shawn, at the officer's meeting to a spider.

  • "As a mathematician, I find this fascinating. As a citizen I find it slightly disturbing."
    -John Leen, commenting on how Nader actually could change the outcome of the election because of the 50%, 48%, 2% vote in Florida.

  • "Dynamic Data Exchange... aka hit paste and your application crashes."
    -John Leen, over the phone on election night

  • "I would never take it if I knew I were drunk; of course, I did it the other night, and I got to the state where I was conscious but I couldn't move."
    -Sam, in Beca's room.

  • "Those were when I was here, and you weren't born yet."
    -Chris Browne, in response to Shawn's observation that we have some really old editions of the Critical Review.

  • Mike: "Will I ever graduate?"
    Eight-Ball: "Concentrate and try again"
    -1:20AM in Suzanne and Beca's room

  • "Zowie."
    -Suzanne, at 2am in response to Beca's repossession of a bottle of scotch.

  • "I drove through a stop light, a Honda Accord, and a Nissan pickup truck."
    -Nik, discussing the driving of a U-Haul for the Oxfam Hourglass project

  • "As soon as I can afford Julia Roberts, I'll buy her."
    -Serge, talking about wealth and happiness @ 4AM

  • "Dude, every time I say something, someone's like 'Quotes page'."
    -Alex, late at night

    Still haven't had enough? Look at our quotes from last year.