

So you've wandered into my simple abode. This is pretty much my storage for cute pics to show off to people, and maybe ramble a bit.

Ahh, the usual introductions for random homepages... My name's Clara, and I'm currently a senior at Brown Univ (graduating in May '02). I'm double concentrating in Biology and Religious Studies. It's tons of fun =). I like small-things oriented biology (genetics, cellular stuff, biological pathways), and eastern thought philosophies/religions (like taoism and buddhism).

Eventually, I'd like to compose a series of interest pages, introducing people to an odd variety of things I like. Here's my list:

However, there are a few things that I've done! I wrote a brief page about a Dvonn-Zertz hybrid game a few of us constructed. Dvonn and Zertz are board games that are part of the Gipf Project. The hybrid rules assume that you already know how to play Dvonn and Zertz.

Pictures! - This'll take you to a short list of the pictures I have here, organized in a few categories.