How to Play Dvonn and Zertz
Dvonn is played on a board of 49 spaces, linked hexagonally. There are three red Dvonn pieces that control the "continents" of the board, 23 black pieces for one player, and 23 white pieces for the other player. In the first phase, all the pieces are placed on the board, alternating turns. Then in the second phase, each player has a turn to move one stack of their own color (decided by the top piece) on the board. Each stack can move to a space in a straight line of distance equal to the height of its stack. For example, a stack of one white piece can move one spot adjacent. A stack of four pieces with a black piece on top means that the stack can move to the fourth spot in any direction if that spot has piece(s) on it. At any point in time, if piece(s) aren't connected to a red Dvonn piece by chain (island) they're removed immediately. The winner is decided by who controls the most pieces when noone can move any more.
Zertz is played on a hexagon of disks with sides of six. Each turn consists of jumping or placing a marble (white, grey, or black) and then removing a disk which can be easily slid away without moving other disks(edge piece). You capture marbles by jumping them with another marble. If you can jump, you must jump instead of placing a marble. If you create an island of disks separate from the main continent, you keep all the marbles on the island and the disks are swept away. You win by getting three white marbles, four grey marbles, or five black marbles. A fourth winning condition is having two of each color.