Pre-rendered MLT Images
Computation times are shown below each image.
3 min |
1.8 hr |
13 hr |
1.5 days | rendered at 300x300 (shown at 4 times)
4 min |
21 min |
1.2 hr |
2.4 hr |
4.2 hr |
8.8 hr |
24 hr | rendered at 200x200 (shown at 7 times)
5 min |
24 min |
2.2 hr |
5.6 hr |
1 day |
6.5 min |
40 min |
3.3 hr |
5.25 hr |
1 day | and ahick specular ring, with caustics on the
bottom plane Both images are 120x120 and shown at 5 times. The black dot
in the top images is the light source.
Also note the indirect illumination inside the shadow in the bottom
images. this is, where all the light is coming from a sphere
inside a basically
black box (RGB=0.1,0.1,0.1) with two open ends pointing at the red and
green walls. There is indirect illumination on the ceiling,
floor, and back wall. 115x115 (shown at 4 times)., Photoshopped to increase brightness levels and red levels
everywhere. You can see that the left side is definitely more green
than the right side, and the right is more red than the left.
Last modified: Mon Mar 25 19:04:46 EST 2002