Pictures from Stanford Graduation, June 2001

An Indian and a Jew, ready to cause some trouble.

I honestly have no idea who that random dude is on the right. I think we asked some guy to take our picture, and his buddy decided he wanted to have a piece of the action. And as Susheel has his arms up in disbelief, and I am giving the random dude a dirty look, my tassel flapping in the wind from my quick head jerk. I think I was just upset that Kyle would let random dude grab his ass while making obnoxious faces. What is this world coming to?

Here are all the engineering geeks lined up.

So at the head of the line, there was an older fellow who appeared to be a professor. He accosted us when he noticed our excellent mortarboard decorations. He had some South Park fever as well, as evidenced by his necktie. After much supplication on his part for a group photo, the three of us finally agreed to oblige.
Mahesh: I wish I had your tie!
Professor: I wish I had your hair!

Fast Eddy makes his debut at the commencement exercises. Fast Eddy is so fast that 5 minutes prior to this picture, Eddie was lying asleep in his bed. A few seconds before we began marching, Kyle spotted Eddie in his streetclothes carrying a bag of commencement formalwear. Fast Eddy then changed into the attire seen here while marching with us, in one step, without breaking stride! Ruchika took 3 hours to get ready, and she didn't even graduate!

Here is Susheel, Mahesh, Jan, and Eddie at the ceremonies. Susheel forgot to take his medication this morning, and his head imploded. A little known fact: Fast Eddy not only was able to pick up a Masters in Computer Science but he earned a Masters in Geology as well! This was previously unbeknownst to us before graduation; when Eddie unveiled his yellow and red hood, we were all in shock. We then realized that all the times Eddie was "going on vacation" or to "family weddings," he was actually studying furiously for his Geology finals. Man, what a character.

Here is the enigmatic Carissa Miller, hangin' with her groupies from EESOOSEORSORRR, Stanford's program in all things industrial and stuff.

Jan Sandven, honorary MSCS, striking a majestic pose, in his vain attempt to locate the elusive Bill Clinton.

These three engineers had the lowest collective GPAs in the graduating class.

Kyle: "How much did your education cost??"
Susheel: (with pinky in mouth) "ONE MEELYAWN DOHLLARS!"

Here we have Jan [bottom row] yapping on his mobile phone, telling his parents that he finally found where Bill Clinton is sitting. Meanwhile, President Hennessy is telling us about out-of-order execution and victim caches.

Where is William Jefferson Clinton?

Susheel acting like an idiot himself during Carly Fiorina's speech.

Here he is again, hitting a beachball back into the sea of engineers.

Kyle on his chair, Susheel out of his, and the random dude thinking about Kyle's ass.

The Stanford band up on stage after the speeches. Jan is up there somewhere tooting his horn.

Carissa: "Who is this CS dork? I'd rather be hanging out with the Civils!"

Punk roommates.

Mahesh and Ruchika are lookin' California, and feelin' Minnesota.

The Daswani clan, and the Cheekster looking on.

Susheel, Ruchika, and Neil, grabbing a snack after the CS rollcall. Neil is trying to figure out when he will get hooded, while Susheel is looking forward to hanging out in the hood.

Post commencement fountain hopping!

Check out Fast Eddy's yellow geology sash.

Just moments before Hesh smacks Eddie in back of the head!

Susheel: "Hesh! You forgot to buy more toilet paper! Now I gotta clean myself in the claw fountain!"

Wet 'n wild and out of school.

Susheel does a post-graduation chicken dance, as a dry Ruchika stands and watches. Lynford, who has been a student at Stanford for 26 years, wonders when he will finally escape this nonsense; Kyle points at Lynford shouting "Never!"

The day ended at that point, with Mahesh coming to the realization that he had not actually graduated yet. DOH!