Good Suggestions
Some of these benefit you, some benefit others, please take them all to
your unix heart:
- Remove any umask 002 references from your "." files. If you leave
it there, new files that you create will be group writeable and we are
all in the group student.
- If you are looking for another user on the system, use the recently
enabled rwho instead of rusers. rusers takes forever and makes more
network load. /u1/ss/bin/loc is even more powerful because you can
pass it a username and it will find that user if he or she is logged
- If you have a CS account
and a copy of S/KEY (binary called key) for gaining access through their
firewall, please delete your copy of this program and use (link to) the
copy of S/KEY (binary named key and a link called skey) in /u1/ss/bin.