The Lawrenceville Organ Pictures
The Edith Memorial Chapel -- Having about a two second reverb time, this fine building houses the Organ. In the summer of 1997, the School and the state of New Jersey spent $200,000 to renovate the exterior of the chapel. This picture is from the previous winter. The Organ Blower -- In the dusty, dirty, but dry basement of the Chapel, this blower provides the organ its fuel, air. With all the dust down here, I wounder how it still functions. Organ Picture 1 and Organ Picture 2 -- Pictures of the organ. Organ Console Picture 1 and Picture 2 -- The console sits behind the posativ organ, which can be seen in the above pictures. It features a Solid State Logic(SSL) piston manager, allowing over 200 virtual pistons. Organ Pedals -- Illuminated with a fluorescent light, the pedals are, well, your average pedals. The Pedal Organ -- Although from this angle, from the choir seats beneath them, the sixteen foot pedal principles look pretty coroded, they aren't. But I guess they could be pollished. The Great Organ and Picture 2 -- The great organ is loud and majestic, and it looks it too. Great Trumpets -- The Great Horizontal Trumpets, or 8' Trompette en Chamade. Swell Organ -- the Swell Organ features vertical shutters, which might suggest why the swell pipes don't look very organized. Swell Pipes -- The left half of the swell pipes Positiv Organ -- You can see the Positiv organ behind the main podium. Positiv Pipes -- The right half of the pipes in the Positiv organ
This page created and maintained by student organist Christopher Chin |