Dragoona Enalia


Dragoona is about 5'4", with shoulder length brown hair. She has a somewhat muscular build, and is never seen without a sword or other bladed weapon somewhere on her person.

Dragoona is over-eager, inexperienced, and honest... all the things most soldiers aren't. She also, because of this, tends to become unsure of herself and her skills at the most inopportune times... in layman's terms.. when you need her the most. This tends to lead to much trouble, and occasionally, some humorous situations.

Her goals are to travel the world and leave a good, lasting impression all she meets. In other words, to be a general hero.

Dragoona was born in the town of Almag in the kingdom of Dragonia. She grew up with three brothers, which heavily influenced her to get interested in swordplay, warfare, and all that other fighting stuff. However, her parents, being overly stuffy and old-fashioned, believed the woman's role was in the home, handing out information to any heroes that may come by. Dragoona, quite simply, didn't like this. She didn't like this to the point that, at the age of thirteen, she ran away from home (and the town of Almag) and went to the city of Kamelat, the capital of Dragonia. There she trained to her heart's content for three years, or two months ago, on her sixteenth birthday. Then, she decided to travel the world and do heroly stuff. And there was much rejoycing. Except for her parents, who still don't know where the hell she is.

Update (As of Session 10): Dragoona apparently has a hidden crush on Ashmodeel, or at lease one that only comes out when she's drunk. She also found a mysterious object, Diana's Ring, a diamond dragon-shaped ring with a silver chain going through its loop as if it was worn as a pendant that has the ability to summon the image of a beautiful, blue-haired young woman that somehow grants great strengh on the ring's wearer...

Update (As of Session 12): Dragoona has acquired another piece of mysterious and extremely powerful armor, the Ruby Shield.

Update (As of Session 15): Dragoona has found yet another piece of mysterious and extremely powerful armor, the Azura Helmet.

Update (As of Session 17): Another piece of extremely powerful and mysterious armor, the Ebony Armor has been found and equipped by Dragoona.

Update (As of Session 18): Kasumi has stated that she feels Dragoona may in fact be some sort of Demonmistress, based on how her new armor appears.

Update (As of Session 20): Dragoona learns that the mysterious items and armor she has found throughout the land and has been wearing originally belonged to the Destroyer, lending more to Kasumi's believe that she is a Demonmistress.

Played by Bryann

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